6th Annual Pennsylvania Statewide
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Abstract 2004 Update to "Occurrence and Fate of Selected Trace Elements in Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Products" Dennis Noll, P.G., Earthtech, Inc. Until 2000 a preponderance of the CFB ash placed in Pennsylvania had been generated at 13 plants that burn coal refuse as fuel in combination with limestone. During that year the entire data-base of ash-testing at 12 of these plants was examined. In addition, sampling for independent laboratory testing was conducted at two of the plants as well as their ash-placement sites. Finally, the entire water monitoring data base was examined at the 14 major ash-placement sites that constitute the bulk of the ash beneficial usage by these 12 plants. A total of 854 water samples were analyzed that were collected, through 1999, over a period of 13 years at 66 monitoring points, located on or immediately adjacent to the ash placement permit areas. Three of the placement sites studied are alleged by the Clean Air Task Force to be damage cases. The study concluded that both laboratory and empirical field data clearly demonstrated that hazardous/toxic trace elements are strongly bound in the ash and are not available to the ground and surface water associated with the placement sites examined. This report updates the water quality testing conducted since 1999, which supports the conclusions reached in the 2000 study.