Pennsylvania has embraced the concept of the Watershed Approach in tackling the issues within watersheds. This local, grassroots approach has proven to be very effective in allowing local will to determine the courses of action taken within a watershed. Within the past few years dozens of new watershed associations have been formed in Pennsylvania. Because these watershed associations are comprised of local citizens coming from diverse backgrounds, often with little training in the concepts and methodologies of running a watershed association, a need exists to supply these organizations with information. This website is one of the mechanisms targeting these newer watershed associations with pertinent information on a broad array of subjects.
While the emphasis is placed on providing information to newer watershed associations in Pennsylvania having been impacted by abandoned mine drainage (AMD) and related issues, much of the information provided is also valuable to anyone who has interests in watersheds and AMD. We hope, for instance, the site will be a valuable resource for high schools students interested in environmental issues. We welcome the use of the website by anyone has has interest or need.