Chemical monitoring
Chemical monitoring and testing is one of the most accurate and reliable testing methods. Chemical testing is used to analyze drinking water. It is extremely useful for determining sources of pollution, as well as determining specific pollutants. For example, high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus may indicate fertilizer runoff from a nearby farm. AMD pollution usually results in high pH and iron levels
Common Chemical Tests
AMD Tests
When monitoring streams suffering from AMD pollution, a standard battery of tests is used, with other tests added in if necessary. These tests allow a clear picture of the stream health to be gathered through monitoring. The combination of the following tests reports on the acid levels of the stream as well as mineral and metal levels.
Temperature | Acidity | Dissolved Oxygen (DO) | pH | Aluminum |
Flow | Alkalinity | Total Dissolved Solids (Conductivity) | Iron | Manganese |
Other tests
Other chemical tests may also be used during monitoring. These tests can give indications of other pollution sources, such as nutrient run-off from streams or stream bank erosion.
Nitrogen | Phosphorus |
Sulfates | Turbidity |