Crooked Creek - Ernest Mine Complex Scarlift Report
Note: The files comprising this Scarlift Report are in the Adobe Acrobat® PDF format. Because these files tend to be large, you can expect longer download times before you can view them. The download times are dependent on the speed of your connection. With a good 56K dialup connection, an optimistic download speed is about 400 KB per minute. Broadband connections are usually much quicker.
Table of Contents 40KB
Introduction 100KB
Phase I - Ernest Mine Complex 121KB
Phase II - Surficial and Subsurface Investigation 114KB
Phase III - Design Considerations 104KB
Phase IV - Construction of the Mine Drainage Abatement System 118KB
Phase V - Piezometer Monitoring Program 121KB
Tables 1825KB
Figures 663KB
Drawings 4671KB
Appendix A - Treatment Plant Borings 661KB
Appendix B - Caliper Logs 977KB
Appendix C - Technical Specifications 1567KB
Appendix D - Daily Construction Diary Part I 4552KB
Appendix D - Daily Construction Diary Part II 5406KB
Appendix D - Daily Construction Diary Part III 3513KB
Appendix E - Construction Progress Reports 5067KB
Appendix F - Construction Quantities and Costs 1938KB
Appendix G - Concrete Mix Design 164KB
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