Piney Creek Scarlift Report
Note: The files comprising this Scarlift Report are in the Adobe Acrobat® PDF format. Because these files tend to be large, you can expect longer download times before you can view them. The download times are dependent on the speed of your connection. With a good 56K dialup connection, an optimistic download speed is about 400 KB per minute. Broadband connections are usually much quicker.
Table of Contents - 63KB
Introduction, Summary and Recommendations - 53KB
Geology and Mining History - 58KB
Stream Quality Evaluation - 36KB
Proposed Abatement Plan - 5665KB
Appendix A: Field Data and Chemical Analysis Source Sampling - 4620KB
Appendix B: Field Data and Chemical Analysis Stream Sampling - 1180KB
Appendix C: Field Data and Chemical Analysis Source Sampling Eliminated - 242KB
Appendix D: Hydrologic Year 1975 to 1976 - 5400KB
Piney Creek Map - 4914KB
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