General Resources
The information provided in this section contains a wide array of links to on-line materials, organizations and publications.
On-line resources include:
State (information available through state agencies, organizations and commissions)
Federal (information available through federal agencies, organizations and commissions)
Other (information available through profit and non-profit organizations, colleges and universities)
Publications include:
General (fact sheets, brochures, etc.)
On-line resources
PA Dept of Education offers a wide range of educational information for students and adults for use in and outside of the classroom.
PA DEP Homepage for Educators - This site discusses current issues, has lesson plans and activities for teachers and home schoolers.
PA DEP Homepage for Students - Surf this site for a discussion of issues and links to the DEP and Watershed Weekly Newsletters, as well as links to Planet Kid (grades K-8), info for students in grades 9-12, and Greenworks TV.
PA DCNR Homepage for Educators
Bureau of State Parks (DCNR) - Explore this site for a selection of school, student and community programs.
PA Fish and Boat Commission offers a variety of opportunities for educators and students alike. These are interspersed on the Education page of their web site.
The PA Center for Environmental Education (PCEE) - was established by Executive Order to disseminate environmental education (EE) materials and programs; promote the formation of partnerships at various levels throughout the state for that purpose; and provide an EE support system for the state's higher education system. For a listing of publications, workgroups, EE programs in PA colleges, and teaching curricula, examine their Higher Ed. Activities link.
EPA Environmental Education Center - This US Environmental Protection Agency link hosts a vast array of information related to environmental education, community service projects, grants, and job opportunities.
USGS "Science in Your Watershed" - The US Geological Survey's web site contains projects, publications, and databases related to individual watersheds as well as how you can use scientific information to better understand your watershed.
Hands-on Experiments to test for Acid Mine Drainage by Dr. Eleanora I. Robbins United State Geological Survey 956 National Center Reston, VA 20192
Water Resources Education Network (WREN), a program of the League of Woman Voters of PA, is a nonpartisan informal collaboration among organizations and public officials working for the protection and management of Pennsylvania's water resources through education and informed policy making. Visit their site for a list of free videos, publications, newsletters, water graphics, and funding opportunities.
Hands-on Experiments to test for
Acid Mine Drainage
Dr. Eleanora I. Robbins
United State Geological Survey
956 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) is a network of professionals and students working throughout North America and in over 55 countries world-wide providing support for environmental education and educators through a variety of programs and activities.
EE Link is a product of the NAAEE supplying a link to Environmental Education Resources on the internet. These include classroom materials for grades K-12, resources for EE professionals, student resources for grades K-12 and higher ed. students as well as information for grant opportunities.
Environmental Resource Center Library - The ERC's on-line library of environmental resources is maintained and operated by students affiliated with the Environmental Studies Dept. of San Jose' University.
Watershed Atlas of the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers - Graphic depictions of each watershed with site specific information and AMD contamination.
WWW Resources - Provides a world wide listing of on-line environmental resources and organizations.
Clean Air Challenge - Clean Air information that also includes experiments, activities, resources and general science links for educators.
The Citizen's Volunteer Monitoring Program - Adults and children alike can participate in this program which consists of more than 140 groups actively monitoring surface and groundwater resources throughout the state. For a program teacher's manual, contact the Bureau of State Parks at (717) 783-4356 or visit this link.
"The Geology of Pennsylvania" is once again available for purchase after its initial printing sold out in 1999. The book is 888 pgs. in length, separated into 10 parts with a total of 57 chapters, and 90 authors from academia, government, and industry. For more information about the text, contact the Bureau of Topographic and Geological Survey at 717-702-2017. In order to purchase a copy of the book, contact the State Bookstore, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North St., Harrisburg, PA 17120-0053 or call 717-787-5109.
Student Review Guide and Internet Companion by Joseph J. Luczkovich, Ph. D. and David B. Knowles, Department of Biology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858 ; An HTML-based study guide to accompany Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet by Daniel B. Botkin and Edward A. Keller (2nd edition). John Wiley & Sons, New York. Chapter 16 - FOSSIL FUELS AND THE ENVIRONMENT